My First Pandora Bracelet

I got a Pandora bracelet for my 21st,  but it needed to get resized for my chubby wrists. But, today (7th August) was my first day I could wear it! I don’t really own fancy jewellery, so I felt special. I love it and each time I look at my wrist it reminds me of my family. I can’t wait to get more charms to go on it. I currently have a purple glass bead (my favourite colour) and a silver gift with pink enamel ribbon. My parents also got me safety chain, which basically means it’s more difficult for it to slip off my wrist for me to break or lose. I would like to point out that neither my older or younger sister have a safety chain on their Pandora bracelets. After, a few seconds of being a little miffed at their mistrust in me, I remembered I am the clumsy one in the family. However, I appreciate the beauty and sentiment nonetheless. I am very happy and feel very special.